Saturday, December 30, 2006

"Mani Kum Mani Go"

Christmas passed as soon as it came. Whew! What an eventful year it has been indeed for 2006. Maybe just a tad too eventful i could say. Can't help but recall this Indian Character in the comic strip in the soccer section of the Newpaper called "Mani Kum Mani Go". Though true that "Money Comes, and Money Goes", i guess it holds the same truth where time is concerned.

I could honestly say that the pace of life in Singapore is too fast for me. Give me a countryside residence with a small farm in Aussie and New Zealand, and i'll be very contented to just prune bushes and pluck fruits. A little red wine to go with the steak will really make my day. Truthfully, the fast-paced-ness of the Singaporean society is really stressing me out. Call me slack or lazy, but its the cold hard truth don't you think? After Os, we're 16. Poly till 20. For guys, NS till 22. Then prob work for a couple years then maybe go for a 4yr degree course. So when we, in Singapore, get a degree, we'll be like what? 28?! People elsewhere already have one by 21! And we work so hard here to get a piece of paper, n after tt, $2.5k a mth??? hmm. ok maybe im generalising abit too much but that's quite true too rite?

Hmm. A couple UP THERE said to let the young people go out into the other countries to study, work, and bring back their experience etc. to S'pore. Thing is, which fella in the sound mind will? No doubt the GST may be high else where, but at least their paycheck makes up for it. Whereas, here, everything is rising(even the water level), except the paychecks!

Sigh. No welfare, certainly no WORKFAIR also!! i can't say too much too rite? HEHE!
Oh well, jus some random thoughts from my rambling mind. ;)

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