Sunday, December 07, 2008

Life The Way It Is - "So Interesting"

Haven't blogged ever since i came back from Taiwan due to the tight army schedule that i have to conform to. Life in camp has been rather tiring and draining from the numerous training sessions and many other issues that linger. Thank God for buddy mates who go through the same things and provide an outlet for you to vent your frustrations to.

Next week's schedule won't be any less slack though, because i will be completing my Guards conversion. Gotta prepare myself for a 16km tactical march on tue and a whole load of "tekan" from the instructors till Friday. Hopefully, nothing major will happen and i will pull through the week and proudly don the coveted khaki beret at the end.

I am also very happy that i was able to complete my SOC (Standard Obstacle Course) in 8min 22secs. This means that there will be no more SOC RT (Remedial Training) till next year when i take my next SOC test. Now i just have to concentrate and work on my IPPT Gold for next year. Its close. Very close.

Have also talked to my battalion S1 (Manpower Branch) about matters pertaining to me signing on to the army as a career. To my disappointment, i was told i wasnt able to sign straightaway and get posted out for commander's training. Reason being that i was in a unit already, and if i were to go, who would replace me? Was told there'd be a recruitment talk early next year and could highlight my interest to them, but even so, the earliest i would be able to leave for further training is ard Dec next year. I'm still pretty much keen to sign on but will take this long period of time to carefully think further.

Have been thinking of a certain someone, but sometimes i just do not know how to express. Possible fears from making the same mistakes perhaps, and maybe too many uncertainties about the future. Unmatching schedules, different qualifications. The question i ask myself most of the time is whether am i good enough, whether my bad points overshadow the good, or is there no good at all? Give me a sign pls, anything, or has it all been wishful thinking on my part? Hmm.

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