Monday, November 05, 2007

A little, goes a long way...

Hello. It has been awhile since I last blogged. Due to the fact that dear Miss Yvonne Chia, after reading my previous post, told me that she didn't know that I would post about such "deep stuff". So it leaves me partly wanting to post closer-to-heart posts and at the same time, leaving me pondering whether I have been such a SHALLOW person(to her). HA HA. Anyway, here is another one, but considerably shorter.

Was reflecting a bit at this hour of 1.40am on stuff that is happening now everywhere, to me and to others. I sort of feel glad to see how some of my acquaintances have gotten on in their lives, as they move on the different paths they took. Their successes, their progress, and just how full they seem to be living their lives. =)

I am starting to feel a new drive(maybe just a slight nudging for now) for the area of church ministries, esp the youth. Have recently been asked to helped with certain aspects of a couple of events, and as I went ahead with the "assignments", I feel this sense of fulfilment that I do all these because of a greater reason, not just an auxillary role. Had dinner with James and Michelle earlier on, and had a good chat and catching up and FOOD. Talked a bit about cell groups and voiced a few of my concerns and such, and found a few answers as well.
Maybe it is time to settle down in one?

That should be all for tonight, thanks to dear Mr Mun Loon, helping me lose two trains in 2mins. Don't worry, there have been no reported suicide bombings, and fatalities.


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